Performance of the last 3 days of the 6-day play

June 7 — 9, 2025

Schloss Prinzendorf, Prinzendorf an der Zaya, AT

It was Hermann Nitsch’s wish that Schloss Prinzendorf should remain the venue for his O.M. Theater even after his death. Rita Nitsch is fulfilling this last request with the staged performance of the 160th action. Next year, from 7-9 June 2025, the last part for the time being will take place.

The days 1 and 2 of this second version of the 6-day play were performed in July 2022. The third day, dedicated to Dionysus, the god of wine, joy, grapes, fertility and ecstasy, was performed on Pentecost Sunday 2023. Rita Nitsch, supported by Andrea Cusumano, Leonhard Kopp and Frank Gassner, realized the heartfelt wish of the artist, who died in April 2022, with more than 60 actors and over 100 musicians. Next year, from June 7-9, 2025, the last section for the time being will take place: the performance of the last 3 days of his 6-day play in the 2nd extended version.

“the 6 day performance of the o.m. theatre aims to be the greatest and most important celebration of man […]. it is at once a folk festival and a mysterium of existence that is brought to consciousness. the festival that is the o.m. theatre has no other pretext than the mystical glorifying of our being-here. the festival propels in the direction of an existence realized by people who come around to themselves. […]
the whole course of life is condensed into a mythical experience. the rapturous intensity of existence must spread over all areas of being, across everyday life. a world overcome with cheerful joviality should allow us to serenely immerse in all possibilities of enjoyment. all the senses have to be intensified and sensitized. the extreme sublimation of the excessive is the upsurge of the intensely felt liveliness spreading through us, rising to the joyous rapture of the state of altruistic love. love not understood as commandment but as state, as the highest state of existence, as a state of being. love is the mystic of being spread across the whole of life.

The consummation of life should be a celebration and the 6-day play of the Orgien Mysterien Theater should be the greatest celebration of mankind!
The setting of the play is the castle complex in Prinzendorf with all its rooms and the surrounding landscape as well as the cellar alleys of the Lower Austrian wine district.

Further information




Schloss Prinzendorf
Schloss Straße 1
2185 Prinzendorf an der Zaya