Hermann Nitsch painting action "Walküre" Bayreuth Festival 2021

Film Premiere

April 9, 2022, 4pm — 9.20pm

nitsch museum, Mistelbach, AT

©Bayreuther Festspiele 2021 Foto: EnricoNawrath

The nitsch museum presents a film of Hermann Nitsch’s complete painting action for Richard Wagner’s “Die Walküre” staged at the Bayreuth Festival 2021.

Thanks to the intensive efforts of Rita Nitsch, it was possible to create a montage of the complete four-hour opera from the footage of the rehearsal and the premiere, in which the powerful ephemeral sound images come to life once again. The result is a cinematic relic of this congenial interweaving of Wagnerian sounds paired with the painting actionism of Hermann Nitsch.

Hermann Nitsch was invited by the Bayreuth Festival (Wagner Festival) to support a concert version of Richard Wagner’s “Die Walküre” in the summer of 2021. Nitsch produced an extensive painting action for each of the opera’s three acts, in which the score was transformed into bright colours scene by scene. With the help of ten painting assistants up to 1000 litres of paint were spilled at each performance.

“wagner has fascinated me all my life. because of this wonderful, indulgent, sensual music, which makes the sound blossom beyond the melody. even in its earliest forms of performance, art was connected with cult, religion and the gesamtkunstwerk. and wagner is the uncoverer of the gesamtkunstwerk. he made it shine.” – Hermann Nitsch

16:00 – 17:00 Act 1
17:00 – 17:45 Pause with a guided tour by Michael Karrer, artistic director
17:45 – 19:20 Act 2
19:20 – 20:00 Pause with a guided tour by Julia Kuon, curator
20:00 – 21:20 Act 3


Admission is free.
Registration is absolutely necessary at anmeldung@nitschmuseum.at
The event will be held in compliance with the current COVID-19 regulations. We recommend wearing an FFP2 mask in any case.

nitsch museum
Waldstraße 44-46
2130 Mistelbach

To the exhibition