Artist Talk

with Peter Kogler and Ekrem Yalcindag

November 11, 2023, 6pm

Nitsch Foundation, Vienna, AT

Artist Talk Yalcindag Kogler

In the context of the exhibition NITSCH A HOMAGE BY EKREM YALCINDAG entitled “NATURES”, the Nitsch Foundation invites to the ARTIST TALK with the artists Ekrem Yalcindag and Peter Kogler on Saturday, November 11, 2023 at 6 pm.

PETER KOGLER (*1959 in Innsbruck/AT) is considered a pioneer of digital art in Austria. The work of the two-time documenta participant is characterized by repeated motifs that can be thought of in all directions. His computer-generated ants, tubes, brains, and globes form many public spaces. The installations evoke an exchange between disorienting labyrinthine and decorative ornamentation.

EKREM YALCINDAG (*1964 in Göblasi/TR) has developed one of the most interesting positions in contemporary painting over the past 30 years. His meticulously detailed painting technique with its fine and at the same time impasto application of colour is largely unique in art history. Large- and medium-format canvases with monochrome to multicolour surfaces, which are inserted into dynamic line structures, characterise his work.

Registration is requested by latest October 31, 2023 under

Nitsch Foundation
Hegelgasse 5
1010 Vienna

To the exhibition