NITSCH a homage by Ekrem Yalcindag
The exhibition series “NITSCH a homage by …” presents works by inspiring figures and former companions as well as by artists whose development was decisively influenced by Hermann Nitsch and his total work of art.
The exhibition series continues with the master student Ekrem Yalcindag, who was taught by Hermann Nitsch at the Städelschule in Frankfurt am Main. In the meantime, Ekrem is not only drawn to vienna by his close ties with the Nitsch family, but also by his long-standing friendship with Peter Kogler.
Ekrem Yalcindag
Ekrem Yalcindag (*1964 in Göblasi/TR) studied in Izmir and Frankfurt, master student of Hermann Nitsch at the Städelschule. His works are represented internationally in renowned collections of contemporary art, such as Istanbul Modern, Sammlung Goetz, Arthena Foundation, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Museum Haus Konstruktiv Zurich or the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden.
During his studies at the Städelschule in Germany, Ekrem Yalcindag discovered one of the smallest artist’s brushes in the world, the da Vinci 1570 in 0 gauge, for his work. With this tool, he found his very own approach to impasto painting, which his teacher Hermann had introduced him to. Ekrem Yalcindag owes the sparking inspiration for the abstracted flower shapes typical of his paintings to the Frankfurt Palm Garden, which provided him with the motifs for his drawing studies.
Since then, his work has been characterised by large- and medium-format canvases with monochrome to multicolour surfaces inserted into dynamic line structures. His all-over paintings reflect not only the influences of his second teacher at the Städel, Thomas Bayrle, but also of Minimal Art artists such as Sol Lewitt, which at the same time merge with an entirely timeless organic formal language. In Ekrem Yalcindag’s most recent group of works, the inclusion of monumental screen and wood printing techniques resulted in a fascinating further development into a new spatial dimension of his work.
“there is a real artist at work between orient and occident, who works in berlin, frankfurt, istanbul and vienna. he has the strength and greatness to master and connect different cultures. his work is nowhere a foreign body, it is perhaps an expression of a new world consciousness.”
– Hermann Nitsch about Ekrem Yalcindag
The opening took place on Friday, 03.11.2023 at 18:00 in the presence of the artist Ekrem Yalcindag.
Dorothea Strauss, curator and transformation expert, spoke introductory words.