6-day-play installation


October 15, 2022, 6pm

nitsch museum, Mistelbach, AT

Photos 6-day-play, 2nd version, 2022 | ©Hermann Nitsch GmbH Photos: Daniel Feyerl, Thomas Kolassa, Christian Schramm

The nitsch museum in Mistelbach invites to a sneak preview of the annual exhibition 2023 in the chapel on the museum grounds. The exhibition will be dedicated to this summer’s great performance – the 6-day-play of the Orgies Mysteries Theater.

The works on view are selected by Rita Nitsch.

Welcome by Michael Karrer, artistic director of the nitsch museum
Rita Nitsch in dialog with Michael Karrer
Reading of selected passages from Hermann Nitsch’s book “Das Sein” by Hanno Millesi, writer and from 1992-1999 assistant of Hermann Nitsch

The grand opening of the annual exhibition in the museum’s main hall will follow in February 2023.

nitsch museum
Waldstraße 44-46
2130 Mistelbach