Hermann Nitsch. Relics, installations, works on paper and photographs
April 20, 2024
Galerie Sommer in Graz-Liebenau, Graz, AT
Galerie Sommer in Graz Liebenau is commemorating Hermann Nitsch with a solo exhibition to mark the second anniversary of his death.
Two years have passed since Hermann Nitsch passed away on April 18, 2022. The preservation and continuation of his Gesamtkunstwerk is our main concern, his artworks are our joy and motivation. We are delighted that Galerie Sommer in Graz is commemorating Hermann Nitsch with a solo exhibition featuring relics, installations, works on paper and photographs that – all in different ways – tell of the Orgien Mysterien Theater.
Roman Grabner, director of the Bruseum at Joanneum Graz, will give the opening speech on Saturday, April 20, at 4 pm
Galerie Sommer in Graz-Liebenau
Liebenauer Hauptstraße 322
8041 Graz