CANCELLED: World of Colours (Lecture)
Hermann Nitsch's work as a painter
September 9, 2023, 6pm
nitsch museum, Mistelbach, AT
The lecture by Dr. Hubert Klocker at the nitsch museum on Saturday, September 9, 2023 at 6 p.m. had to be cancelled.
[Hermann Nitsch began his painting around 1960 with a cry and subsequently developed it into a differentiated tone cluster. Since the late 1990s, the concentration on the colour red that defined his early work has been replaced by the concept of a synesthetic painting. Nitsch’s positive revelation manifests itself here at the latest, his cathartic wrestling with the abysses of the human psyche is replaced by the positively ecstatic experience of existence.
In his lecture, Dr. Hubert Klocker, curator and historian of Vienna Actionism, will search for the coordinates of a deeper access to Nitsch’s painting.]
nitsch museum
Waldstraße 44-46
2130 Mistelbach