Hermann Nitsch. the 6-day-play

Exhibition opening

March 25, 2023, 6pm

nitsch museum, Mistelbach, AT

Rauminstallation in der Kapelle des nitsch museums ©nitsch museum, 2022

On 25 March 2023, the nitsch museum in Mistelbach will launch its annual exhibition “Hermann Nitsch – The 6-Day Play“. This exhibition, which is organised in cooperation with the Albertina Wien, will focus on the centrepiece of the artist’s Gesamtkunstwerk (total work of art).

“the 6-day play of the o. m. theater is to become the greatest and most important festival of mankind (it is an aesthetic ritual of the glorification of existence). it is at the same time a “volkfest” and the mystery of existence brought to consciousness.” – Hermann Nitsch


160. Aktion "6-tage-spiel" 2. Fassung, 2022 ©Hermann Nitsch GmbH, Foto: Daniel Feyerl

160. action “6-day-play” 2nd version, 2022 ©Hermann Nitsch GmbH, Photo: Daniel Feyerl

The exhibition in the nitsch museum shows works from the first realisation of the action in 1998 and the partial realisation of the second version in 2022. On display are essential relic installations, poured pictures from the painting actions, the two action scores, selected action photos, film documentations, applications and equipment. Visitors can expect a monumental room installation for this feast of the senses.

“the festival demands an awareness that leads deep into the acceptance of our tragic reality. the world as a whole is to be accepted with all its extremes, its possibilities of happiness, atrocities and the cruelty of death.” – Hermann Nitsch

In cooperation with the Albertina Vienna

nitsch museum
Waldstraße 44-46
2130 Mistelbach

To the exhibition