Hermann Nitsch
Eine Werkschau in Hagen
The year 2018 the Osthaus Museum is also marked by the 80th birthday of Hermann Nitsch. The solo exhibition on 800 square meters thematizes the most important aspects of the life’s work of the artist.
Since his childhood, Nitsch’s art and the special view of things through representational, abstract and later informal painting have led him to his overall artwork design, the so-called Orgien Mysterien Theatre. He wrote this concept at the age of 19 and it is still the topos of his life today. In the following decades, his life and work were accompanied by arrests, convictions, prison sentences, scandals, death threats and countless hostilities. Today, the now renowned and nationally and internationally acclaimed Austrian State Prize winner is an art icon and a celebrated world star.
To be exhibited: Paintings, installations, graphics, photos of actions, video documentaries of his O. M. Theatre and a documentary film about his life and work.