PACE Gallery Geneva
Inner Cosmos, Outer Universe
Pace is pleased to announce “Inner Cosmos, Outer Universe“, a group exhibition showcasing works from across the gallery’s international programme by artists that share a fascination with space, from cosmological heights to the molecular foundations of the self.
Spanning over eight decades of artmaking, the works in “Inner Cosmos, Outer Universe“ encompass a broad range of artistic responses to the celestial imagination over the past century, both literally and metaphorically. Recalling the polished chrome and sleek surfaces of space-age design, the exhibition will include sculptures by Alexander Calder, Jeff Koons, Alicja Kwade, and Leo Villareal.
Chromatic eruptions course through works by Latifa Echakhch, Sonia Gomes, Hermann Nitsch, Richard Pousette-Dart, and Lucas Samaras, suggesting nebulae that refract spectrums of speckled colour. Other, more oblique references to the cosmos recur in works by Torkwase Dyson, Adolph Gottlieb, Matthew Day Jackson, Robert Longo, Robert Rauschenberg, Arlene Shechet, Kiki Smith, and Mika Tajima, which will also be featured in the show.
Many of the works in Inner Cosmos, Outer Universe are united by the formal motif of the circle. This simple geometric shape, which can be found depicted in visual art from pre-historic sites across the globe, commonly signifies the infinite and cyclical nature of existence. Yet it also figures in pictorial depictions of basic elements invisible to the human eye: molecules, for example, and the atoms that form them are typically represented as spherical clusters. Sculptural works in Inner Cosmos, Outer Universe bridge the effervescence of the celestial with the solidity of geology.
Running from March 15 to May 4, this exhibition will include over thirty paintings, sculptures, textiles, and works on paper, all of which investigate—at some level—structures of being and nothingness.